HTML Tags & Tricks You Probably Haven't Used

Discover some useful HTML tags and amazing tricks for your next project

HTML Tags & Tricks You Probably Haven't Used


This blog will take you on a journey through some lesser-known HTML tags and fascinating & super-useful tricks.


<dl> - The Definition List:

  • Use Case: <dl> is perfect for creating glossaries, dictionaries, or any content that pairs terms with their definitions.

  • Example:

  •   <dl>
        <dd>A vast system of stars, gas, dust, and dark matter held together by gravity.</dd>
        <dd>The eighth planet from the sun, known for its stunning blue color.</dd>
  • Output:

<details> - Expandable Content:

  • Use Case: <details> is great for hiding or revealing additional space-related content, such as FAQs. It improves user experience by reducing clutter.

  •   <details>
        <summary>Click to reveal astronaut biographies</summary>
        <p>Learn about the brave individuals who ventured into space!</p>


<datalist> - Enhancing Form Inputs:

  • Use Case: <datalist> is used to provide users with a list of predefined options as they type into input fields, making form completion quicker and error-free.

  • Example:

  •   <input list="planets">
      <datalist id="planets">
        <option value="Mercury">
        <option value="Venus">
        <option value="Earth">
        <option value="Mars">


<bdo> - Bidi Override:

  • Use Case: <bdo> is used to override the text direction, which can be particularly useful when dealing with languages that are read from right to left (RTL).

  • Example:

  •   <p>This telescope's name is <bdo dir="rtl">Telescopi</bdo></p>


<map> - Image Maps:

  • Use Case: <map> is employed to create interactive image maps with clickable regions.

  • Example:

  •   <img src="constellations.jpg" usemap="#constellations">
      <map name="constellations">
      <!-- coords="100,100,50" defines a circle with its center at (100,100) and a radius of 50 pixels. -->
        <area shape="circle" coords="100,100,50" href="orion.html" alt="Orion">

<progress> - Progress Bars:

  • Use Case: <progress> is used to display the progress.

  • Example:

  •   <progress max="100" value="75"></progress>



  1. 🌈Color Picker🎨

     <b>Color Picker below!!</b> 
     <input type="color">
  2. 🎤Voice Recognition📱

    This only works on mobile devices

     <input type="text" x-webkit-speech/>
  3. Capture User's Camera📷

    For mobile devices, we can use an input tag.

    For desktops, the default behavior is uploading a file.

     <!-- video files-->
     <input type="file" capture="environment" accept="video/*">
     <!-- image files -->
     <input type="file" capture="user" accept="image/*">
  4. 🚫Disable Right Clicking on an element🖱️

     <section oncontextmenu="return false">Can't right click here</section>


We explored unique tags and tricks:


  1. <dl>: Great for making lists with explanations.

  2. <details>: Hides and shows extra info with a click.

  3. <datalist>: Suggests words while typing in forms.

  4. <bdo>: Helps with text direction, like right-to-left languages.

  5. <map>: Turns images into clickable maps.

  6. <progress>: Shows task progress with a loading bar.


  • Color Picker: This lets you pick colors easily.

  • Voice Recognition: Only works on mobile for voice input.

  • Capture User's Camera: For taking pictures or videos.

  • Disable Right Clicking: Prevents right-clicking on elements.